Advantages of Hiring a Django Developer


August 22, 2018

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When hiring a Django developer, you are not only making full use of the skills of that guy, but also making the most of the capabilities of the Django framework itself. There are many types of web development frameworks existing today. You have your Laravel for PHP, Flask for Python, or Rails for Ruby, just to name a few. Despite the variety of frameworks today, Django continues to be an in-demand platform, which is remarkable given that it’s more than a dozen years old. So if you’re not sure yet whether you should get a Django developer or not, it pays to review the advantages of that option.
Why Use Django

It comes with lots of packages and solutions.

Many consider Django as one of the more fully loaded web development frameworks out there. It certainly offers plenty of built-in packages out of the box, prompting many developers to label Django as sort of a one-stop solution framework. It is easy to see why — it’s got packages for authentication, administrative interfacing, managing sessions, managing messages, developing sitemaps, postgres, and different types of content, among many others.

Needless to say, the fact that Django offers lots of built-in stuff makes the developer’s job much easier from the outset. Moreover, because various solutions are already readily available (plus, they are generated by professionals), the developer now has the leverage to focus on other key aspects of the web project.

It is easy.

Django is based on Python, a programming language that was created back in the early 1990s, and is generally considered on of the easiest languages to use when developing web projects, mainly because it is designed to make the web development and maintenance processes more simplified and efficient.

Python is also a language that employs clear syntax rules, which means that the coding itself looks clean, easy to read, and more critically for the long-term, much more manageable to maintain. On top of this, developers can create custom web applications using Django without having to program extra lines of code.

It is fast.

The combination of Django’s simplified coding and fully-loaded packages and features ensures that development time can be reduced significantly. For small businesses, they sometimes make it a priority to get their web project up and running as soon as possible, not only as a means for minimizing costs, but also because they simply don’t have enough resources to stretch the timeframe.

It offers scalability.

In any web project, there is nothing wrong with starting small, or more accurately, taking care of the fundamentals first before moving on to expansion plans. Thankfully, the capabilities of Django allows for projects to be scalable. Each project has its own specific requirements, and the level of scalability may vary greatly on those requirements. But with Django, you can make some allowances for potential upgrades and improvements. And because the programming language itself is maintainable, introducing changes in the near future should not be too complicated.

Looking for the Django developer that’s perfect for your project

Being an easy programming language to learn, Django has attracted its fair share of practitioners. This should be good news for business owners, especially those looking to hire a Django developer for their web project. But even though Django developers are in abundant supply, the key is always finding the right one that can handle your project effectively and efficiently.

Evaluate the CV carefully.

A CV does not fully represent the capabilities of a Django developer. But it does give you an idea, or more accurately, a short summary of the candidate’s skill set, background, and achievements. If anything, reviewing CVs is like the first step in gathering your pool of potential hires. When you encounter good-looking CVs, you can now proceed to knowing more about a developer’s true skill.

Mind the track record and portfolio.

There’s a cliche that states, “Let the record speak for itself.” In the process of hiring a skilled Django developer, it pays to actually follow this statement to heart. While it is true that technical skills are indispensable, experience is equally as important in separating the truly reliable from the seemingly dependable (on paper, that is).

So what do you look for in the portfolio? Obviously, you need to check for past and completed Django projects. As we have always stated in previous posts, no two web projects are alike, but if you stumble upon a candidate who has had experience working on a project similar to what you are envisioning, that guy will likely be a good fit for your needs. Also, checking live apps developed by that Django developer is recommended. The fact that that app exists should be proof that this potential hire has at least done something right.

Do interviews and even request for references.

Interviews might be a bit of a hassle, especially for those busy with running their business. But for those who take the time and effort, it’s worth it. For one, you get a taste of what it’s like to actually communicate in real time with your candidate. Does the Django developer have good English communication skills? Does it appear like he really knows what he’s talking about? How quick on his feet is he, especially in answering questions about possible scenarios or potential issues related to your web project?

As for references, you can either check out those listed by the candidate in his CV, or you can head to his LinkedIn profile, and see how well he has worked with previous bosses or former teammates.
Yup, the hiring process is never easy. Sometimes you might even be wondering if it’s really necessary to go through all that for a Django developer. The answer, of course, depends on how badly you need the talent for your business. But we can actually help — that is if you are okay with the idea of offshore software development.

If you haven’t heard of offshore software development before, it simply means partnering with an offshore staffing partner who will take care of the hiring process for you. Aside from helping you find the Django developer you need, we can also set up your offshore employee’s office in the Philippines, where labor costs and overhead are very cheap.

Contact us now to learn more.



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