Top Interview Questions to Ask When You Want to Hire Software Developers

Jan Feliciano

May 9, 2023

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An software developer applicant undergoing an interview.

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As technology continues to advance, the demand for skilled software developers continues to grow. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of software developers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. However, with so many software developers available in the market, it can be challenging for hiring managers to find software developers that are best fit for the job.

The interview process is a crucial step in hiring software developers, as it allows employers to gauge a candidate’s skills, experience, and overall fit for the position. To help you on your quest to find a software developer, we have compiled a list of top software developer interview questions that cover technical skills, experience, soft skills, and other relevant topics.

Technical Skills

  • Can you walk me through your experience with [specific programming language, tool, or framework]?

You should ask this question to determine the candidate’s proficiency in a specific programming language, tool, or framework that is essential for the position. This question can also give insight into the candidate’s depth of knowledge and understanding of the tool or framework.

  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies?

A good software developer should be constantly learning and growing. By asking this question, you can assess the candidate’s level of curiosity and passion for software development. They should also be able to demonstrate their ability to self-teach and keep up with the latest trends.

  • What is your approach to debugging and troubleshooting code?

Debugging and troubleshooting are critical skills for any software developer. This question will help you to understand the candidate’s thought process and problem-solving skills when it comes to identifying and fixing errors in code.

  • How do you optimize code for performance?

Performance optimization is a critical skill for software developers, especially when developing software that must run quickly and efficiently. This question will help you understand the candidate’s approach to improving the speed and efficiency of their code.


  • Can you share a project you’ve worked on that you’re particularly proud of?

Asking this question can provide insight into the candidate’s experience, creativity, and passion for software development. Ask follow-up questions about the project to determine the candidate’s role and contributions to the project.

  • Have you ever had to work with a difficult team member? How did you handle the situation?

Teamwork is essential in software development, and team dynamics can have a significant impact on the success of a project. By asking this question, you can assess the candidate’s interpersonal skills, conflict resolution skills, and ability to work well with others.

  • Have you ever had to refactor an existing codebase? What was your approach, and what did you learn from the experience?

Refactoring code is an essential task for software developers, as it helps to improve the quality and maintainability of the codebase. Ask this question to determine the candidate’s experience and approach to refactoring code, as well as their ability to learn from their mistakes and improve their skills.

Soft Skills

  • How do you handle criticism of your work?

The ability to accept and learn from constructive criticism is an essential soft skill for software developers. By asking this question, you can assess the candidate’s ability to handle feedback and make changes to their work based on constructive criticism.

  • Can you describe a situation where you had to communicate a complex technical concept to a non-technical person? (You could also ask the applicant to explain a specific complex technical concept that is relevant to your project)

Effective communication skills are critical for software developers, especially when it comes to explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. You should ask this question to understand the candidate’s ability to communicate complex technical concepts in an accessible and understandable way.

  • How do you prioritize your workload when you have a lot of tasks to complete?

Time management and prioritization are important skills for software developers, especially when working on multiple projects or tasks at once. You should ask this question to assess the candidate’s ability to manage their workload effectively and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadline.

  • Can you describe a time when you had to learn a new technology or programming language quickly?

The ability to learn new technologies and programming languages quickly is a valuable soft skill for software developers. You want a candidate that can learn quickly and adapt to new situations, as this is essential in a fast-paced and ever-changing industry like software development.

Other Relevant Topics

  • What is your approach to testing and quality assurance?

Testing and quality assurance are critical components of software development, as they help to ensure that the software is functional, reliable, and free of bugs. Ask this question to understand the candidate’s approach to testing and quality assurance, as well as their knowledge of different testing methodologies and tools.

  • Can you describe a time when you had to work under pressure to meet a deadline?

Working under pressure is a common occurrence in software development, especially when working on projects with tight deadlines. By asking this question, you can assess the candidate’s ability to work well under pressure, manage their time effectively, and deliver quality work on time.

How to know if a software developer is good in an interview?

Knowing whether a software developer is good in an interview can be challenging, as it requires a combination of technical expertise, experience, and soft skills. However, there are a few key indicators that can help hiring managers assess a candidate’s suitability for the position.

Firstly, the candidate should demonstrate a deep understanding of the technical skills and experience required for the position. They should be able to answer technical questions confidently and clearly and demonstrate their ability to solve problems and think critically.

Secondly, the candidate should have a proven track record of success in their previous roles. They should be able to provide specific examples of their experience, including their contributions to past projects and their accomplishments.

Lastly, the candidate should possess strong soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. They should be able to communicate effectively, work well with others, and demonstrate their ability to handle challenges and solve problems collaboratively and constructively.

Hiring software developers can be a challenging task, but by asking the right interview questions, you can determine their suitability for the position. It is important to remember that a successful software developer is not just someone who possesses technical expertise, but also someone who has the passion, creativity, and drive to succeed in this ever-changing and exciting field. 

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Jan Feliciano

Jan Feliciano

Jan Feliciano, a full-time content marketer with 10+ years of total writing experience, has worked in different production environments centering on the B2B space. He dives deep into complex topics and distills them into digestible yet engaging content pieces.

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